First I took a train to Aachen which is the most western city of Germany and quite beautiful (in my opinion). There was a pretty big and spread out festival going on in the center of the city. I think it was called the Aachen September Special.
Here are some pictures I took while exploring Aachen.
One of the first impressive buildings I came across was the Aachen Cathedral. Charlemagne had this built around 805 AD. Pretty old and pretty cool!
Some street views.
St. Foillan-Kirche
After this I decided it was best that I do some biking and then see how much time I had left for exploring. I really liked Aachen a lot..
This picture was actually taken on my way back into Germany, but I was expecting another sign so I passed by this one not realizing this was it.
So after going 1000m, I was in Vaals, The Netherlands. The two towns combined to form one inbetween for these two countries! And not long after crossing the border, there was a rotary.
Here is the Hotel Kasteel Bloemendal which is one of the only things I found to look at while in Vaals. There was a church, but honestly I was being lazy and wanted to find my way to Belgium already. I had a map this time at least!
I originally missed my turn and ended up at another rotary with a strange metallic structure.
I checked the map and turned around. I wasn't that far from the road that would take me to Belgium. Here are some pictures I took along the way. It was hilly and pretty, so it was a good excuse to stop frequently for breaks!
There was a turnout so I turned to take this picture. This is where I came from, not where I was going. :)
I continued biking up hill and taking pictures. I found some horses that kept moving closer to me as I took pictures.
And then I finished it and continued into Belgium.
Out in the country here..Apparently this is Gemmenich. They speak many languages here, but mostly French.
I stopped by a few stores here but only picked up a few souvenirs. I was really tempted to stop in at this place and have a of my favorites advertised in the country of it's origin.
I decided I'd rather not drink and drive! Not in hilly regions when I have to bike through two countries anyway (haha).
More animals on the way back.
After stopping for souvenirs in Vaals on my way back, I biked back into Germany. Ahh...aahh...aachen! hah hah hah..oh dear me..that was such a sad try at humor. I promise I won't attempt that again for awhile.
Aachen Rathaus (City Hall)
Here is a side view of the Rathaus, with a festival to the right (pictures not far down). Also to the right was a cookie/chocolate store called Lambertz. I bought things for the people I was staying with here but nothing for myself. For some reason Lambertz sounds familiar to me though and I wonder if they export to the USA ever? Oh well..
The ferris wheel near the Rathaus.
Kaiserdom (Aachen Cathedral) with the festival.
On foot wandering about.
St. Foillan-Kirche (again) behind a building.
This is the Theater Aachen which on the front reads "Musagetae Heliconiadumque Choro". I guess that means "To the leader of the Muses and the choir of the dwellers on Helicon".
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