Saturday I decided to try to find some more foliage before the end of the season. I heard that it was along the coast, so I decided I'd head up 1 and see where it brought me. I drove all the way up to Camden and then decided to give up. There wasn't much foliage along 1 and I wasn't very interested in dealing with traffic, so I decided to head back and take a few side streets that seemed promising. Somewhere between Camden and Rockport I believe, I decided to take a side road. (This is where google maps satellite comes in handy!) I ended up driving by Goose River Golf Club, and heading into a pretty elite neighborhood. Though in a way I found it rude, I took pictures leading down a few driveways anyway. They had wonderful views to the ocean.

Then I headed back to 1 and eventually made it to 1A. I stopped in the Newcastle area and took a few more pictures.

After stopping, I decided to head down a back road all the way to Boothbay Harbor. It was a long drive, and I actually spotted some nice foliage. I noticed a Preserve but kept going to Boothbay hoping the foliage would get better. Also along the way, I stopped by a cemetery along the River Rd to take a picture.

After driving all the way to Boothbay Harbor, I realized the foliage was actually better in the area I'd just been. I decided to head back to the Preserve I'd passed on the River Rd. I believe it was called "Dodge Point Public Reserved Land".

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